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Fernando Fogliato

Software Developer

About Me

Software developer with nine years of experience in the construction and maintenance of software for different areas, working with different platforms and programming languages. Seeking out always to produce codes with clarity, quality, and continuous delivery. Majored in Bachelor of Computer Science and currently building microservices using Java + stack Spring. I always seek to improve myself and face new challenges.

Work Experience

Software Engineer - Invillia (2020 - Present)

Building microservices using Kotlin + Javalin/Spring Framework, JUnit 5, Redis, Mongodb, Postgres.

Full-stack Developer - Attornatus Procuradoria Digital (2018 - 2020)

Working at all stages of the company's core software production, from analysis to deployment, building microservices using Java + Spring Framework, JUnit5, Redis, Elasticsearch, Postgres, Docker, Camunda BPMN, Apache Camel, AWS and Angular 8. Recently focused on SOAP / REST integration with third parties.

Full-stack Developer - Trier Sistemas (2017 - 2018)

Involved in developing the new version of the company's core system using microservices architecture, Java + Spring Framework, Postgres and Docker.

Programmer Analyst - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2015 - 2017)

Construction and maintenance web services (SOAP/REST) using Java, Spring WS, Spring Framework and Oracle Service Bus (SOA). Also developing frontend with JSF.

Delphi Developer - Logtec Sistemas (2010 - 2015)

Client-Server application development using Delphi, Firebird, and SQL Anywhere. Involved in the entire software development cycle, from analysis to deploy in production.

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